To help Airports and Airlines provide the best possible passenger journey experience our solution monitors progress of bag delivery from aircraft landing to passengers receivng their luggage. The reputation of an Airport is often defined by these parameters and Shabstec can help identify improvements in the overall arrivals process.
One of the initial impressions that an arriving passenger has of an airport or indeed a country is created by their arrivals experience through the airport infrastructure. A speedy journey from aircraft through to immigration clearance can sometimes be followed by lengthy and frustrating wait for bags to be delivered to arrivals reclaim. This aspect of the passenger experience can be significantly improved by analysing the processes involved in transferring bags from aircraft hold to arrivals reclaim.
Bagnition can provide sophisticated performance reporting of first and last bags for arriving flights by comparing these with the aircraft “on-chocks” times. Airport authorities can determine the bottlenecks that cause delayed delivery of arriving baggage and hence improve the overall customer experience.
Arrivals bags can be classified as terminating (where the passenger ends their journey at the airport of arrival), or transferring (where the passenger intends to board an onward connecting flight). In a busy airport environment, it is sometimes possible that arrivals terminating bags are delivered to the transfer baggage system and vice versa.
Bagnition can verify the status of each bag that is delivered to a facility and to alert airport operators if bags have been accidentally delivered to the wrong areas. This functionality forms part of Bagnition’s track and trace feature and ensures that passengers are reconciled with their baggage and that the airport’s reputation remains intact.
With the increase in air travel coupled with the introduction of larger aircraft, it has become even more important to focus on improved planning and utilisation of available arrivals reclaim. Bagnition can use the first / last bag information (including per-flight arrivals bag quantities) and combine that with its automatic resource scheduler to present an optimum arrivals reclaim plan.
The system allows for both short term and long term planning and forecasting capabilities. Airport operators can also manually adjust the plan to suit local conditions.